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发表于 2018-2-17 00:24:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 美国

Spring Festival is around the corner


  ☞ be around the corner : 即未来临,很大概发生。
   eg: When anything goes this well, a major setback can be just around the corner.一件事过于顺遂的时间,很大概不久就会有大波折


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In ancient China there lived a monster named Nian who was extremely ferocious. Nian lived deep at the bottom of the sea all the year round and climbed up to the shore only on New Year's Eve to devour the cattle and kill people. Thereupon on the day of every New Year's Eve people from all villages would flee to the remote mountains so as to avoid the monster.


☞ ferocious暴虐的
all the year round:常年,整年
☞ devour :狼吞虎咽地吃光
eg: Finally, making a dreadful mess, they devour the fruit.末了,他们狼吞虎咽地吃起了水果,果汁滴得随处都是。

Then, one New Year's Eve, the villagers were getting ready to hide when there came from outside the village an old beggar with a stick in his hand and a bag hanging upon his arm. His eyes twinkled like stars and his beard was silver.


Seized with panic, the villagers were in a great hurry to run away so no one was in the mood to care for the beggar. Only a grandmother gave the old man some food and advised him to flee to the mountains to avoid the monster. But the old man stroked his beard and said with a smile, "If you allow me to stay at your home for the night, I'm sure to drive away the monster Nian." She looked at him unbelievingly only to find that, with white hair and ruddy complexion, the old man had a bearing out of the ordinary. She went on to persuade him to take flight. But he only smiled without reply. Thereupon the grandmother could not help but leave her home and flee to the mountains.


  ☞ be in the mood to do sth. : 故意情做某事
   eg:I’m not in the mood to talk. 我如今没心情发言。

☞ stroke : 轻抚(v.)
eg: He walked forward and embraced him and stroked his tousled hair.她走上前拥抱他并轻抚他缭乱的白发。
☞ drive away: 驱散,把...驱走
eg: The fresh morning air seemed to drive away all his sombre passions.清晨清新的氛围仿佛驱散了全部那些阴郁的动机 。
☞ ruddy complexion : 红润的气色
☞ bearing : 仪态
eg: He has a military bearing, never failing to carry himself erect.他有一种武士的风姿,身板总是挺得笔挺。
☞ take flight : 逃跑
eg: Most prisoners will take flight if given the chance.假如有时机,大部门逃犯都会逃脱。

Around midnight the monster Nian rushed into the villages. He found the atmosphere was quite different from that of the previous year. The house of the grandmother in the east end of the village was brilliantly illuminated, with bright red paper stuck on the doors. Greatly shocked, the monster gave a strange loud cry. The monster stared angrily at the house for a moment and then, howling furiously, made a charge at it. As he approached the door, there suddenly came the sounds of explosions. Trembling all over, the monster dared not take a step forward.

半夜时分,兽冲进了村落,但它发现这次的氛围差别于以往。妻子婆的屋子在村落的最东边,刺眼地闪着亮赤色的光,门上还贴着红纸。被此场景吓坏了的 兽发出一声诡异的嚎叫,怒冲冲地瞪着门好一会儿,然后它嚎叫一声,狞恶地向门撞去。当它再次靠近门时,屋子里连续传来爆炸的声响,年兽满身打颤,不敢靠近房门半步。

☞ brilliantly:辉煌光耀地,出色地
eg: It’s a brilliantly sunny morning.这天上午阳光辉煌光耀。
eg: The shops were brilliantly lit up.那些市肆灯火通明。
eg: It is a very high quality production, brilliantly written and acted.其制作水准很高,脚本和演出都很出色。
☞ illuminate: 照明,分析(v.)
Eg:No streetlights illuminated the street.这条街上没有照明的路灯。
Eg: Our interesting teacher could illuminate almost any subject we studied.我们这位风趣的老师险些能表明清晰我们所学的全部科目。

☞ howl:(狼狗等)长嚎, (人因疼痛,愤怒而)哀嚎

☞ furiously:狂怒的,急躁的

☞ charge: 猛冲
Eg : He charged through the door to my mother’s office.他冲出门,往我母亲的办公室跑去。
eg:He ordered us to charge.他下令我们冲锋。

It turned out that the color red, flames, and explosions were what Nian feared the most. And when the door of the grandmother's house was thrown open and an old man in a red robe burst out laughing in the courtyard, the monster Nian was scared out of his wits and fled helter-skelter.


   ☞ helter-skelter:匆忙的(地); 紊乱无章的eg: He now faces another crisis in his helter-skelter existence. 他乱糟糟的生存中如今又面对着另一个危急。

The next day was the 1st of the first lunar month. When people came back from their hideouts and found everything safe and sound, they were quite surprised. The old woman suddenly realized what had happened and told the villagers about the old beggar's promise. The villagers swarmed into the grandmother's house, only to find that the doors were covered with red paper, that the embers from a pile of bamboo were still giving out exploding sounds in the courtyard, and that a few candles were still glowing in the room...


☞ hideouts:躲藏处
☞ safe and sound:安全无事,安然无恙
Eg: I’m glad to see you home safe and sound. 看到你安全回家,我很高兴。
☞ swarm into: 涌入
☞ glow : 红光(n.)   发光,喜形于色(v.
Eg: A pale reddish glow lit the sky.略带赤色的淡淡光辉照亮了天空。
Eg: She felt a glow of satisfaction at her son’s achievements.她因儿子的成绩而感到心满足足。



Customs & Activities 

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Spring Festival is a 15-day festival in traditional custom. It can be generally divided into three periodsthe days preceding the festival, the festival days and the days after the Spring Festival Day. There are different customs related to each period:



Preceding Days

Cleaning and Purchasing:扫旧及置办年货

The grounds, the walls, and every corner of the house need to be cleaned. In Chinese, “Dust” is a homophone for the word “old” (); thus cleaning means to drive the bad luck or the old things away from the house. After cleaning people will go shopping and buy new clothes for the festival ,which symbolizes welcoming new things and getting ready for a new start.


☞ homophone:同音异形字

Pasting the “Fu”, and Spring Festival Couplets: 字和对联

people usually paste coupletsalso called “桃符on doorways and “Fu” on gates or some furniture in the house during the Chinese New Year. Pasting the “Fu” upside down, meaning the arrival of happiness or good fortune, is a widely accepted and popular custom among Chinese people.


☞ paste: 粘贴(v.
☞ upside down : 颠倒(adv.)


Festival Time

Reunion Dinner: 年夜饭(团圆饭)

It is very large and includes fishmeatdumpling, New Year Cake(年糕) ,spring rolls(春卷),rice dumpling元宵)and so on. The most important food is dumpling. Because their shape resembles Yuanbao (a kind of money used in ancient times), dumplings are eaten to bring wealth in the coming year. The pronunciation of fish makes it a homophone for ‘surpluses’ and the fish is not eaten completely, as the Chinese phrase “may there be surpluses every year” sounds the same as “let there be fish every year” in Chinese pronunciation.

这是一场食品盛宴,此中不乏鱼,肉,饺子,年糕,春卷 等等美食。此中最紧张的食品当属饺子了。由于它的形状酷似元宝(一种古代利用的货币),以是吃了它来年就可以招财进宝。谐音,而且鱼不能被全部吃完,为的是年年有余。巧的是,它与年年有鱼谐音。

☞ New Year Cake:年糕
☞ resemble:与...相像
☞ surplus:多余的(adj.) 盈余(n.)

CCTV New Year's Gala:  看春晚

This is a comprehensive art and performance event on the festival's eve. Since it was first broadcasted in 1983, it has become a beloved performance for most Chinese people. Performances include basic elements such as skits, cross talk (Xiangsheng), acrobatics, songs and dances. Recently more and more foreign artists are appearing which provides Chinese people a window into western cultures. The performance always ends with the song “Cannot Forget Tonight”.


☞ acrobatics:杂技

Red Envelope: 红包

Red envelope, also known as lucky money, is prepared for children by adults and the elderly and given after the reunion dinner. In folk culture, the children will live safe and sound for the whole year if they get lucky money. This custom still remains and the amount of money is increasing. Children use their money to buy books or other school supplies.

红包也被熟知为 压岁钱,是大人或尊长在吃完年夜饭后包给孩子的。在民风文化中,假如孩子们拿到了压岁钱,就会整年平安全安。这个习俗被保存至今而且压岁钱的金额也在逐年增长。孩子们可以用钱买书或是学习用品。
Firecrackers and Fireworks: 放烟花爆竹

Firecrackers are always set off at midnight. In some places, people also set off firecrackers on the morning of the first day. The use of firecrackers can be traced to the legend of the Monster Nian in 2,000 years ago, when people threw bamboo into the fire to drive away the monster. After gunpowder was invented, firecrackers replaced the bamboo.



Following Days

 Visiting Friends and Relatives: 走亲访友

People drop in at relatives and friends' houses, greeting one another with 'Happy New Year'. In some rural places, where families have many relatives, this activity lasts for several days. It is impolite to visit someone without a gift. Therefore, special local products, fruits, desserts, wines and other small gifts should be taken when you visit others.

人们会去亲戚或是朋侪的家里拜访并带上一句 新年快乐。在一些农村地域,由于亲戚较多,以是走亲访友这项运动大概会连续好几天。去拜访时肯定要记得带上礼品,否则很不规矩,礼品的选择可以是本地的土特产,水果,电信,酒或是其他小礼品。



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As the start of a whole year round, the Chinese New Year weighs a lot in Chinese people's minds. People regard their daily practice as an omen of luck prediction for the coming year. Not only observing the festival by adhering to ancient and interesting traditions, they would also try to avoid violating various taboos. Some of those taboos will only sustain for first few days of the New Year, while others may be kept till the 15th of the lunar January (Lantern Festival) or even for a whole month.




Taboo Words

Words with negative meaning should be avoided in daily conversation, such as breaking, running out, death, ghost, killing, sickness, pain, losing, and poverty. All these words should be replaced by euphemisms during the whole of Spring Festival.

在春节期间,一样平常对话应该制止利用像 衰,光,死,鬼,杀,病,痛,失,穷等这类带有负面寄义的词,而且用相应的婉转语替换他们。



Never break a bowl, plate, glass, vase, or mirror, because breaking may result in money loss and family split in the future. If shattering one unheedingly, the fragments should be collected and wrapped by a red paper or cloth, and then littered on the fifth day of the New Year. Another remedy is to say, “Sui Sui Ping An,” which means safe and sound every year. The pronunciation of Chinese character Year ( Sui) and Broken ( Sui) are the same, so people use the homophones to expel bad luck.




Sweeping and Dumping 扫地和倒垃圾

On the first day of the New Year, it is a taboo to sweep the house or dump the trash. otherwise, all the savings and valuables will be swept away. If it is really necessary, the house owner should start the sweeping from outside to inside of the house, which intimates collecting money




Lending and Borrowing乞贷和还钱

Do not lend or borrow anything on the first day of lunar January, especially money. Lending money is an unlucky omen, which means economical loss, so people should not offend friends or neighbors by borrowing something from them. Asking for return of debts owed is also a taboo.




Married Daughter Returning Home:


If a woman gets married and lives apart with her husband's parents, she cannot visit her own parents on the first day of the New Year. Daughters are viewed as outsiders after they get married. If they return home on the first day, their parents would be stricken by poverty.




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