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逐日消息 | 霍金末了一篇论文、彭丽媛在团结国教科文第三届女童和妇女教诲 ...









Rank: 1

发表于 2018-10-13 19:32:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏徐州
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1. Stephen Hawking's final scientific paper sheds new light on black holes


1. physicist [ˈfɪzɪsɪst] 物理学家;唯物论者 n.

2. cosmologist [kɒz'mɒlədʒɪst] 宇宙学家 n.

3. theoretical [ˌθi:əˈretɪkl] 理论的;推想的 adj.

4. paradox [ˈpærədɑ:ks] 反论;悖论 n.

5. quandary [ˈkwɑ:ndəri] 左右为难;窘迫 n.

6. collaborators [kə'læbəreɪtəz] 协作者 n.

7. enormous [ɪˈnɔ:rməs] 巨大的 adj.

8. evaporate [ɪˈvæpəˌret] 使沉淀;使蒸发;消散 v.

9. quantum [ˈkwɑ:ntəm] 量子;定量 n.

10. photon [ˈfoʊtɑ:n] 光子;光量子 n.

11. gravitational [ˌɡrævɪˈteɪʃənl] 万有引力的 adj.



The scientific paper occupying the mind of British physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking when he died in March aged 76 has been finished by colleagues from Cambridge and Harvard and published online.

Malcolm Perry, a professor of theoretical physics at Cambridge and a co-author of Black Hole Entropy and Soft Hair told the Guardian newspaper its subject, known as "the information paradox", was "at the center of Hawking's life" for 40 years.

"The difficulty is that if you throw something into a black hole, it looks like it disappears," the paper quoted Perry as saying. "How could the information in that object ever be recovered if the black hole then disappears itself?"

The quandary began with Albert Einstein who, in 1915, published his theory of general relativity, describing how gravity arises from the spacetime-bending effects of matter and explaining why planets circle the sun. Einstein also said black holes can be described by only three things: their mass, their charge, and their spin.

In Hawking's final paper, he and his collaborators add to Einstein's theories about black holes by trying to understand what happens to information when objects fall into black holes, the so-called information paradox.The analysis was completed days before Hawking's death and Perry said Hawking was delighted with the conclusion.

"It was very difficult for Stephen to communicate and I was put on a loudspeaker to explain where we had got to," Perry said. "When I explained it, he simply produced an enormous smile. I told him we'd got somewhere. He knew the final result."

In the paper, the team says black holes should be described by four attributes, not three, because they also have a temperature, and it is the fact that hot objects lose heat into space that means black holes are destined to evaporate out of existence. However, the rules of the quantum world say information can never be lost and Hawking and his colleagues contend that at least some information may be recorded by photons known as "soft hair" that surround the black hole's event horizon, which is the point at which light cannot escape the intense gravitational pull.

Physicists who worked on the paper included Sasha Haco from Cambridge and Andrew Strominger from Harvard.

Perry said the paper is an important step in understanding black holes but that "a lot more work" needs to be done.




True or False

In the paper, the team says black holes should be described by four attributes, not three, because they also have a temperature, and it is the fact that hot objects lose heat into space that means black holes are destined to evaporate out of existence.
A. True          B. False        C. Not given

2. Peng seeks to empower females


1. envoy [ˈenvɔɪ] 使节;交际官 n.

2. ceremony [ˈserəmoʊni] 仪式;礼节 n.

3. pretoria [prɪ'tɔ:rɪr] 比勒陀利亚(南非都城)

4. promotion [prəˈmoʊʃn] 促进;提拔 n.

5. congratulatory [kənˈgrætʃələtɔ:ri] 庆贺的 adj.

6. sacred [ˈsekrɪd] 神圣的;受尊重的 adj.

7. potential [pəˈtɛnʃəl] 潜伏的;大概的 adj.

8. sustainable [səˈsteɪnəbl] 可连续的 adj.

9. dedication [ˌdɛdɪˈkeʃən] 奉献 n.

10. participant [pɑ:rˈtɪsɪpənt] 到场者;关系者 n.

11. initiative [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv] 倡议;自动精力 n.

12. innovative [ˈɪnəˌvetɪv] 创新的;革新的 adj.

13. contribution [ˌkɑ:ntrɪˈbju:ʃn] 贡献 n.


Peng Liyuan, wife of President Xi Jinping and a UNESCO Special Envoy for the Advancement of Girls' and Women's Education, addresses a graduation ceremony for pre-school teachers in Pretoria, South Africa, July 24, 2018.[Photo/Xinhua]
Peng Liyuan, wife of President Xi Jinping, called for broader support for girls' and women's education to help them enjoy all the opportunities that life offers.

Peng, also a special envoy of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for the promotion of girls' and women's education, made the remark on Thursday in a congratulatory message to an award ceremony for the UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education held in Paris.

Peng said girls' and women's education is a sacred undertaking.

Developing that education and making possible equal opportunities in realizing development potential are important measures to make the UN Sustainable Development Goals a reality, Peng said.

She highlighted the role of the prize in encouraging more people to support the undertaking, and praised prizewinners for their dedication to promoting educational equality and helping girls and women fulfill their dreams.

Peng said that as a special envoy, she is ready to work with the participants to support the gender equality initiatives of UNESCO.

The UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education, funded by the Chinese government, honors outstanding and innovative contributions made by individuals, institutions and organizations to advance girls' and women's education.

True or False

Peng Liyuan, wife of President Xi Jinping, called for broader support for girls' and women's education to help them enjoy all the opportunities that life offers.
A. True          B. False        C. Not given







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